The Challenge
A high-performance, cost-effective solution for existing HVAC systems and operations that would not disrupt data center or computer lab operations.
The Solution
An in-depth analysis of the entire campus spanning 30 buildings. 10 buildings were identified as candidates for central chilled water plant optimization. Using detailed, disaggregated trend data, the cooling system’s baseline energy performance was determined and a custom retrofit solution bundle was installed.
Features included:
- An integrated water-side economizer to maximize free cooling hours with seamless, automatic operation
- Modifications to the 1,500-ton chiller plant, including adding chilled water and condenser water piping headers to the heat exchanger and adding flow and energy metering
- Conversion of the primary-secondary pumping design to variable primary using existing pumps and drives
- A cooling tower sequence of operation (SOO) redesign to optimize free cooling hours
- A full redesign and reprogramming of the chiller plant control sequence
- Analysis of optimized plant performance trends and real-time display from a BAS front-end energy dashboard
- Upgraded hardware control for chillers and plant controller for improved reliability and access to data points
- $1.1M annual energy cost savings
- $1.2M utility incentive received
- 10.5M kWh annual energy savings
- 3 Years simple payback period
- 0.45 kW/ton annualized chiller performance
- 41% reduction of chiller plant annual energy use
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